pes-modif: PES 2015 Data Pack 2.00 + Patch 1.02 Released


PES 2015 Data Pack 2.00 + Patch 1.02 Released

PES 2015 Data Pack 2.00 + Patch 1.02 Released
PES 2015 Data Pack 2.00 + Patch 1.02 ReleasedPES 2015 Data Pack 2.00 + Patch 1.02 ReleasedPES 2015 Data Pack 2.00 + Patch 1.02 ReleasedPES 2015 Data Pack 2.00 + Patch 1.02 ReleasedPES 2015 Data Pack 2.00 + Patch 1.02 Released
PES 2015 Data Pack 2 includes four new teams, four stadiums, 73 new player faces will also make their way to PES 2015 with the PES 2015 DLC 2, including the likes of José Callejón, Aaron Ramsey, Karim Bellarabi, Gerard Deulofeu, Luke Shaw, Iker Muniain and Rúben Neves. The famously face-captured Mario Götze face will also be in PES 2015 with DLC 2.

Two balls and ten new boots are also included in the data pack download.

PES 2015 Patch 1.02 adds new features to PES 2015 MyClub mode, including an all new MyClub credits history overview. Different bugs are also fixed in the new Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 game update 1.02, while the PES 2015 gameplay has also been adjusted slightly.

PES 2015 1.02 FEATURES :
  • myClub credits (coins and GP) balance history added
  • Unable to proceed when trying to close the ranking screen provided that the user has more than 24 friends.
  • Form change for Live Updates not reflected in the Game Plan screen in myClub
  • The player cursor colour is not reflected to the radar target
  • The screen occasionally turns black when pressing the skip button for Replay scenes repeatedly
  • Starting line up positions are shown as random when pressing the Transfer reset in EDIT mode
  • Minor adjustments have been made to a variety of modes to improve general gaming experience.
Download PES 2015 Data Pack 2.00 + Patch 1.02 Released

Download New Crack Online Patch 1.02

How To Install CPK File


  1. gimane cara masangnya nih?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. ane kan make stadium v2 dr estarlen , ane instal datapack 2 stadiumnya malah jd 19 . sma bola by ron jd ga sesuai sma namanya solusi ?

  4. struktur bundesliga nya jadi ngaco sedikit ya gan?

  5. knpa yak...pas dah di instal...pas mw maen gk bsa....solusix dunk :(

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. @anonym: lhat how to install cpk file
    @fajar: iy harus di utak atik lagi, soalny konami bacanya dlc 2 bkan dlc 1
    @firaz: pastinya, karena semula gk ada bayern, schalke, dll disana
    @jee: gk bs gmn blank atau apa?

  8. digabung sama SunEvo bisa ga min?
    linknya ganti jangan di mega, di mediafire aja min

  9. Emblem sama Kits nya kyak awal lg min ?
    Atau nunggu patch SunEvo yg baru buat fixing ?

  10. Berarti DLC 2.0 jangan diinstall dulu ya ???
    Wahh, ini PR buat SunEvo....
    Ayo yang nemu solusinya tolong dibagi bagi!! :)

  11. gan.. kok has stop working ya saat login mau main online? solusi please..

  12. kira" work ga gan di sun patch 1.0 ?

  13. data yg di save di DLC 1 baca gk di DLC 2.00 gan ?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. gan,, cara update jersey kyk diatas gmn gan??
    pke file cpk ato update ny pke patch

  16. @bayu: bisa
    @hafid: kebaca, bisa 22 nya

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Thnaks gan,,,
    kok DLC 2.00+patch dh ane pasang jersey ny gk update gan /
    ad patch untuk update jersey ny gk gan ??

  19. gan kenapa pas ane buka pemain ajax di squad list langsung macet pes nya?

  20. @hafid: cb pesgalaxy atau pte
    @Rizki: pke sunevo?

  21. y memang nge bug face nya, klo bisa relink face serero yg lain

  22. kalo pake yang 2014 bisa gak? soalnya face serero yang 2015 gak ada


  24. gan 4 tim baru it msuk liga apa ya? d other europa liga kok gk ada ya?

  25. pake sunevo bisa langsung ditimpah gan ?

  26. @iphul: other europa harusny ada
    @eka: langsung timpah, tp sunevo 1 blm suport dlc 2

  27. ada 4 tim tmbahan 1 besiktas yg tiga copy an dari 3 tim terbawah gan(jd 3 tim sama)

  28. bang, ane pake sunevo. udah saya install dlc 2, udah bener semua, tapi kok di start screen tulisannya masi dlc 1 ya bang??? apa itu ngaruh sama dlc nya?

  29. gan klo mau pake pesgalaxy mesti install ini dlu yah???
